System Architect supports the Systems Modeling Language (sysML) version 1.6. This support comes with the base System Architect and is turned on via the Customize Method Support dialog (Tools, Customize Method Support).
You can build systems designs based on Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) concept — the model is king — diagrams reflect the underlying model information at all times. This is true in all frameworks that System Architect supports — DoDAF 2, UAF 1.2, TOGAF 10, Archimate 3.1, NAF 4, etc — but with sysML you can utilize the notations specified for systems design.
sysML was originally invented to extend the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to speak the language of systems engineering. UML became a standard notation and metamodel for software design — invented by the ‘three amigos’ Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson. sysML — with progenitor Sandy Friedenthal and others at the Object Management Group (OMG) — moved UML to a new abstract level using stereotypes: instead of talking about software classes, sysML talks “blocks” of things — such as systems. There’s a lot more to it than than — the sysML specification has become extremely detailed through the years. sysML 2.0 has now been issued and is under finalization at OMG. UNICOM System Architect will be supporting sysML 2.0 after it is finalized by OMG.
System Architect supports the entirety of the sysML 1.6 specification — the XML put out by the OMG for sysML 1.6 was reverse engineered into System Architect to create the metamodel.
System Architect also supports all diagram types. Two of the most important are:
The Block Definition Diagram

The Sequence Diagram

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