This is a free, self-paced DoDAF 2 workshop. To perform this workshop, you will need to contact UNICOM Sales to get an evaluation copy of System Architect and install it.
You may do so by sending an email to, and in the subject type, “Request System Architect Evaluation to take DoDAF 2 Workshop”, and include your name and employer in the email. You will be asked to sign a letter of consent before sales provides the eval.
Once downloaded and installed (instructions below), you can take the free, self-paced workshop, by following the instructions in the PDF below, and using the Student Files provided in the Zip below.
DoDAF 2 Aircraft Maintenance Encyclopedia — Needed for Start of Workshop
Workshop Instructions:
- Get and install evaluation version of System Architect (if you do not already have a System Architect installation). See paragraphs at top of this page on how to request eval. If you are new to System Architect, the install is a easy — you must install to a Windows environment.
- You must also install UNICOM License Server that will be provided. Import the license.dat file provided into License Server, and create a Named.User file for yourself. Place both the license.dat file provided and the Named.User file in the same directory.
- At the end of the System Architect install, you should install Microsoft SQL Server Lite that comes with System Architect. You will be prompted to do this at the end of the install; if you do not, you can install SQL Server by starting System Architect, and then selecting Help, Startup Wizard.
- Download the DoDAF 2 Aircraft Maintenance Encyclopedia (provided above).
- Using the steps provided in the SA installation guide, Step 4 (page 18), unzip the zip file of the DoDAF 2 Aircraft Maintenance Encyclopedia, and place the .bak file in a directory that has property security access for the Microsoft SQL Server Lite that you will install with System Architect. Use SAEM to restore the .bak file to your SQL Server as a System Architect encyclopedia.
- Run System Architect, and open the Aircraft Maintenance encyclopedia.
- Take the workshop — using the Workbook (above).
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